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Photo: Mikko-Pekka Karlin

The EuroVelo cycling routes crossing Finland invite you to discover an amazing country - the rough beauty of the fells in Lapland, the dazzling lake district in central Finland, rolling hills of the south coast, and the charm of the coastal towns and the unique archipelago along the Baltic Sea. You can follow the coastline on EuroVelo 10 Baltic Sea Cycle Route, cross the country in the middle on EuroVelo 11 East Europe Route, or explore the wild areas of the eastern border on EuroVelo 13 Iron Curtain Trail!

The Finnish part of EuroVelo 10 Baltic Sea Cycle Route starts at Tornio in the northwestern corner. It routes you around the Bothnian Bay to the west coast’s unique Kvarken Archipelago, Finland's only UNESCO Natural World Heritage Site, site of the land uplift phenomenon caused by the last Ice Age. Rounding Turku in the southwest you cycle the southern coast with rolling hills and beautiful landscape mixing forests and open fields. Even in Helsinki, capital of Finland, the Baltic Sea is very much present. A short ferry crossing will take you to the Suomenlinna-Sveaborg Sea Fortress, a Unesco World Heritage Site. Further east along the coast of the Gulf of Finland, the maritime towns of Porvoo, Loviisa, Hamina, and Kotka all offer a fascinating history and maritime sea fortresses. The route ends in the southeast at Vaalimaa after 1600 kilometers of cycling and beautiful maritime scenery behind you. 

EuroVelo 11 East Europe Route starts in Finland from Karigasniemi, on the border of Finland and Norway. It then runs between two wilderness areas to the shores of lake Inari and through the largest fell upland in Northern Europe with open fells that used to be mountains before the Ice Age molded them round and perfect. In the lake district in central Finland around the cities of Kuopio and Jyväskylä you will see why Finland is the land of thousands of lakes –  168 000 to be exact! Jyväskylä is the city of Alvar Aalto architecture and home to two of Finland’s seven UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Arriving at Helsinki, capital of Finland, you are in the bustling metropolitan area with approximately 1.5 million inhabitants and the end point of a nearly 1600 km journey through Finland.

The EuroVelo 13 Iron Curtain Trail runs in Finland between Näätämö on the Norwegian-Finnish border in Lapland and Sallatunturi fell close to the border between Finland and Russia. This is a magical 534 kilometers through isolated woods and moorland where you really get a feel for Finland’s vastness. You bike through vast wilderness areas where your companions are varying birds and an occasional reindeer. Along the way the towns and villages portray an interesting cultural and historical heritage - the history and culture of the Sámi peoples and the years of war and their effects on the people.

The southern part of the EuroVelo 13 route between Sallatunturi and Virolahti is still under development. 

Whichever route you choose, you will enjoy the beauty of the natural Finnish landscapes and the cultural heritage of the different regions. These cycling routes are an ideal way to visit Finland and give you endless possibilities of experiencing Finnish nature both on and off the saddle. Click on the route in the map for a more detailed route map and visit for more detailed descriptions of the routes.


EuroVelo 10 -reitin maastoon merkintä on vielä osittain kesken Vaalimaa-Vaasa välillä, joten suosittelemme hyödyntämään navigoinnissa ladattavaa GPX-jälkeä. Reitistä ei ole vielä saatavilla reittikuvauksia, mutta karttamme avulla voit tutustua reittiin ja sen varrella oleviin pyöräily-ystävällisiin palveluihin. Päivitämme reittikuvauksia syksyn ja talven 2022-2023 aikana yhteistyössä reitin kuntien kanssa. 

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