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Imagine nightless nights, gravel roads, happy Finns and good vibes. Nordic Gravel Series is a series of gravel riding events around Finland, Sweden and Norway to showcase the best of the Nordics. If you haven’t experienced Nordics yet NGS is definitely one of the best ways to do it! Henna started cycling just couple years back and Nordic Gravel Series was the first cycling event she joined. Let's hear how she liked it.

Text and pictures: Henna

Whether you’re a party pacer or a racer you will have fun in the Nordic Gravel Series. I’m definitely more of a party pacer which is why I’m thrilled that there’s events that are not all about racing. However, before I joined Nordic Gravel Series I considered cycling events scary since I had only mainly done bikepacking style of cruising by myself or with my friends. I thought there wouldn’t be events that could offer anything for my type of rider but I was wrong. When the event is based on building a community and having fun, it offers something for everyone.

I thought there wouldn’t be events that could offer anything for my type of rider but I was wrong. When the event is based on building a community and having fun, it offers something for everyone.

There’s two things you can be sure of when joining the Nordic Gravel Series. First, the route was top notch. We couldn’t stop repeating “Ahh it’s so beautiful here” and we are Finns so we should be used to the scenery already. But the routes of the Nordic Gravel Series are well thought through and made by locals who know the secret trails in the area to offer the best possible experience for the riders. This summer’s NGS events are held all over the Nordics and they all offer unique scenery. It will be hard to choose only one so I recommend joining at least couple of them to get a good crisp of what the Nordics have to offer.

Second, the people. It is important that the route is amazing and offers some challenge for all levels of riders but eventually what you remember is the people. What I remember from last summer, was smiling people everywhere. Everyone was warm and welcoming. Finns are known as less chatty but maybe it is the gravel riding that makes even Finns open up and chat around! And let me tell you, that is something you don’t want to miss!

There is also a group of hardcore riders in Nordic Gravel Series so if you want to come ride fast you can. The Tribe challenge format in the NGS is great, there is three to four segments in each route where you get to push it to the limit and then in between you can take it more easy and enjoy the views! I also highly recommend creating your own tribe even though you wouldn’t be racing it adds a fun team spirit to the ride!

To prepare you for the Nordic Gravel series and summer I give you little Finnish homework to do so you can crack a smile on Finns face right when you meet them.

Hey = Moi

Bye bye = Moi moi

Thank you / Please = Kiitos

How are you doing = Miten menee?

I have a flat tire on my bike = Minun pyöränkumini puhkesi

My bike chain fell off. Where can I get help? = Mulla lähti ketarit irti. Mistä saan apua?

See you this summer!



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